Why Does Everybody Recommend Carpet Cleaning In Fall?
Have you ever wondered why everybody goes crazy with carpet cleaning advertisements in fall? All the bloggers literally spam you with all those fall cleanup activities with carpet cleaning at the top of every single list.
It’s true that carpet cleaning in Columbia is a favorite activity and can be compared to all those recreational activities we love as the people of this region. But there are so many myths and lies based on the work that it has gotten difficult for people to differentiate between what’s right and what’s not.
Over the last few days, I just couldn’t help but wonder why everybody didn’t focus on such activity during spring which is pretty much the only time when millennials clean their house in an actual sense. But then I came to know about this information.
Why carpet cleaning in Columbia is a recommended fall activity?
Science can explain the phenomenon. Fall is the time when the chances of bacteria and fungi growth inside your home are the most. The dust mites and bacteria cause allergies, and that's why many people get sick in fall due to the change in weather.
Bacteria growth
But how does it happen? With the decrease in night temperatures, you turn up the heat and try to keep all the doors and windows closed. Don’t you? That’s what induces all this. Closed doors and windows reduce the ventilation. Reduced ventilation causes moisture inside while the heating system maintains a warm temperature, both of which create a perfect breeding environment for disease-causing bacteria.
Then it’s about the dust. Even if you don’t have dust storms, there’s an increase in dust in the air. Carpet fibers act as magnets for dust and trap it. The dust furthers aggravates the indoor air pollution causing allergies and respiratory diseases.
Pet hair and dander
Pets also shed a lot around this time. Both fall and spring are the peak seasons for shedding. Unlike what people usually assume, shedding is a normal pet behavior. Most of the breeds shed their coat to grow a new undercoat. Some breeds shed more than others and hence, many people have misconceptions even about shedding. The point here is that fall is one of the peak seasons when your pet is going to roll around the house and leave its hair on the carpet and nearly everywhere.
Effects of dust, bacteria and pet dander
Now, you have three main things that are happening and causing massive harm to your carpet, indoor air and health of your family members. Bacteria directly induce issues like migraines, nausea, respiratory problems and allergies in humans. Even your pets can get sick due to these. Kids are at the most risk during this time especially when it’s about a toddler who is going to move around the carpet pretty much all day. Dust not only pollutes the air and causes respiratory issues but dust particles act like tiny glass pieces that cut your carpet’s fibers. It damages the fibers making your carpet lose its shine and ultimately get spoiled forever. Pet dander also causes health concerns.
All of these factors lead to all those recommendations. Carpet cleaning in Columbia is indeed preferred at the right time, even amongst all the crazy myths and claims. Moreover, waiting until the holiday season means dealing with extremely busy professionals and higher than usual prices. It totally makes sense to get the carpets cleaned in fall. Doesn’t it?
Are you unable to locate a right contractor for carpet cleaning in Columbia? Check out Drimasters for I find their services excellent due to the methods they follow and due to their experience in this field.
Article Source: https://goo.gl/HmzvzS
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